Tuesday, October 6, 2009

rewind to goals.visions.expectations

i know its not kosher to post more than once in a day and it is also not kosher to put up long posts as no-one can be bothered reading that much but below is a piece that i wrote at the start of the year about what i wanted out of spending a year at meanwhile studio. (and im kind of not jewish so i dont have to worry too much about being not-kosher!) i read it the other day and pleasantly surprised myself that i was in fact the author. anyway, im not great wordsmith but see what you think...

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So what do you want to do? I ask myself this constantly. This semester, nay this year would have to be the most explosive time in my entire life and asking myself this question freaks me out and excites me at the very same moment.

Getting on to a realistic level of working in a studio such as Meanwhile I am overwhelmed with the things I want to and could possibly achieve and experiment with. My particular interests and passion lie within the thought that a designer can literally change the world. A big statement but this is the root of all the following thoughts.

I would like to work on projects that involve interactivity and creatively attacking everything we can find. As in questioning everything and not being insecure or afraid to speak about things or to bring up new ideas or topics. I would like to learn more about successful group work, design and art movement in other countries in terms of social movements as well, about getting to the core of an issue, the world of creative thinkers and how they can practically be applied to the world in ways that have not before been done (like hiring someone’s brain for a brainstorming session about the future of a town but not just a marketing maniac who is probably still hung-over from schmooze drinks the night before). Ideally I would like to work on projects that serve a purpose to society. And not to do only charity work but to evenly experience the dollars and the darlings. I am interested in people and helping them, causing them to think, causing them to question their existence to live lives that are fulfilling and thoughtful and loved. Because when it all boils down to it, when the world ends and the mac’s have melted. Who is left but the spirit of the people. People are the most important commodity in the world and so many forget this value in regards to themselves and others.
I want my experience of meanwhile to be full of experiences and learning curves. I want there to be conflict so that we
can grow because otherwise we should be sitting behind a mac in some little indie studio right now and earning big $$$.
I decided to apply for honors when I was nudged to do so on open day last year buy the lecturers. I had no intention of doing his before and it was a decision I wrestled with for sometime. All the factors were finance, feeling like I was mature enough to get
a job, finance, letting someone who really wanted it do it. But the more I got to the end of the year and reassessed my goals in life
I realised I am on this planet to be so much more than a graphic design even though I have skills in this area, I have capacity beyond what I can imagine but not in a way that is proud but in a way that I really just want to get the most out of my brain for my sake and for the sake of every single person out there who each has their own creativity locked in there brains and need a key to get it out. So it was quite the epiphany when I realised that I had the most amazing opportunity to spend a year experimenting and exploring methods that I would have otherwise had to fluke. That is why I chose to do this year, so that I could test ideas, stop and ponder the whole idea of changing the world through design before money became a cloudy pair of sunnies.
I feel that my skills lie in dealing with people, one on one sharing of thoughts and dreams, I can talk to people and try make them feel more comfortable, I can think of different angle to attack problems I can tell you when something is ugly but I may not be the best aesthetically when it comes to finishing the design. Therefore I think that I can offer the studio my skills in presentation and administration. I would like to contribute food for thought.

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  1. Haha, so here's the thing...I happen to be Jewish (thru birth) but yet I do the non-kosher thing of both posting more than once a day (on the odd occasion) and the most ridiculously long posts ever!! Which means I totally enjoyed reading your long post :)

    I hope you don't think I'm stalking you if I end up commenting on like every post - but I could be here for a while reading...I'll try to restrain myself *lol*

  2. I love the comments Maff! and the encouragement! thanks so much and i think it was no mistake that i started my blog on your birthday! we got a connection! love your work!
