just continuing on the last of my posts on tasmaniac (as i like to refer to it as). i wanted to mention how happy i am to be an australian. i mean we live in a wild country and the people that settled here when it was first discovered must have been the most crazy adventurous people with amazing creativity and stamina. i imagine pulling up into the harbor at hobart and seeing the land in all it unique beauty and wondering what is out there. who lives there? how is it all going to work?
even though all my family migrated from Holland in the 40's and 50's i still think those migrants would have had a crazy adventurous personality and creative spirit to pack up and move to a huge island in the south pacific! quite frankly i am so happy to be part of a country with such exciting beginnings (and don't get me started on how adventurous the aboriginals were before English settlement).
even though i know australia is a bit far away from the world etc, i think we really do have something unique and very creative to offer the world :)
oh and whilst we are on the australianarama vibe, the other day i opened a fresh jar of vegemite (exciting i know) and it reminded me of when i was little, we used to fight over who got to open the lid of a new spread and who ever got to open it dug their knife deep into it making their initial in it. its crazy what kids will find to fight over. but i won this one. sorry tristan, this jar of vegemite is branded with an 'M'

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