on thursday just past in melbourne, we had an absolute humdinger of a storm that brewed after a few very hot days... the rain was so imminent and almost looked like it wasn't going to come.... but then boy did it come!!!
it was the craziest downpour i had seen in a long time.. im talking about having to yell so someone can hear you talking!
anyway sitting on my computer and gazing out the widow at the H2O explosion outside i had an idea to draw a picture in watercolour penicls and put it outside so the colours would run and be cool although by the time i finished the picture the rain had slowed down to a drizzle :(
but i will upload the before's and after's anyway.. you can kind of see the difference.. didn't quite get the seeping colours effect i was after though.
ps the picture is of me in NY this coming christmas. pps. click to view enlarged image
this is the before (below)

and this is the after (below) the paper went a different texture and the colours brighter - not sure the scan show it up well though.
it was the craziest downpour i had seen in a long time.. im talking about having to yell so someone can hear you talking!
anyway sitting on my computer and gazing out the widow at the H2O explosion outside i had an idea to draw a picture in watercolour penicls and put it outside so the colours would run and be cool although by the time i finished the picture the rain had slowed down to a drizzle :(
but i will upload the before's and after's anyway.. you can kind of see the difference.. didn't quite get the seeping colours effect i was after though.
ps the picture is of me in NY this coming christmas. pps. click to view enlarged image
this is the before (below)

and this is the after (below) the paper went a different texture and the colours brighter - not sure the scan show it up well though.

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