heloo friends! im back in 2010 after a little break from the world of blogging to share with you a sweet tale.
as you know i was recently in a wedding (the wedding where i needed a yellow bridesmaid dress)
the bride had a brilliant idea for the gift to give the guest and it was a lollipop but with the time constraints and being close to christmas her lollipop manufacturer pulled out and we had this great idea to make them ourselves... it worked... sort of.... it very hard but very fun.
you get blisters and sore arm muscles from stretching the candy and if you are lucky enough to have got the mixture off the stove to have not burnt the sugar but not undrdone the toffee then your sweet!
unfortunately my first batch was a tad burnt so they set well but tasted horrible! and the second batch was underdone, tasted great but melted because it wasn't quite snap toffee yet! and as i was determined to go for round three, my hands would not let me with the extremely painful blisters!!