ok to all you out there who read this my christmas gift to you is some of my secrets...
#1 talcum power will make your blonde hair a great colour and make it look like it was just washed.
#2 breathing through your nose when riding a bike through traffic filters the air more so its less pollution in your lungs. its the little hairs if you were wondering.
#3 potato salad will cure your hunger for sure. and all in 15 mins. (give or take)(boil up some chopped potato's until they are just soft and boil an egg then chop it. add fresh dill and salt & pepper to taste. drizzle with a little olive oil too)
#4 the 7-11 store on bourke street has coffe for $1 at the moment. and its not that bad either.
(i see you've noticed our hot to trot catty advent calender.)

#5 people value a genuine smile and a hello. if you see someone on the street that you kind of know but don't want to talk to them take 30second to say hello, even if they pretend to ignore you when they see you.
#6 wearing second-hand and cheap clothing the right way will deceive everybody.
this dress (wore it a different way to how it was meant to be worn) was $4 from the Bairnsdale op-shop, the belt was $5 from work and the headband was $3 from a $2 shop. every one thought i had a new outfit that night ;)
#7 milk crates are the foundation of a lot of good furniture pieces.
#8 dont drop an inkjet printer. it will drop you when you need to print something very important.